Friday, September 26, 2008

The Little Manhattan -The innocent prayers :)

Finally i am back in to the blogging world.Before getting into the post a few updates on me :
Recently got my internship at Oracle,hyderbad for 5 months.Abhi tho Ghar ka Khaana and 20k stipend ..wat more an intern can expect !!
And recently I along with my Bits-buddies have started a new blog called BITS n Pieces! , a team blog,which is your one stop for all kinds of interesting news which you will definitely want to read.U can browse through the labels for your category of interest and can read the posts.
Vist the Blog @

A couple of days ago , i have got a mail about the innocent prayers of the kids,which is very funny.Just wanted to share it with u ppl. have a look at them and i would really appreciate if u can share ur innocent prayers in the comments below. -:)

Actually even i had a strange wish when i was a kid goes like this
Dear God,
Please grant me 3 wishes

1 -> I want a gear Cycle
2-> I want a Radium HE-MAN sword
3-> Please grant me 3 more Wishes .... (c i am born smart :D !! )
Krishna Kanth.G


vineela said...

hahahahaa...lovely yaa!!!
Btw a small correction, the word(born smart) in the braces would have been a superlative, which would have made the post a more worthy one!!got it???

vineela said...

hahahahaa...lovely yaa!!!
Btw a small correction, the word(born smart) in the braces would have been a superlative, which would have made the post a more worthy one!!got it???

Anonymous said...

please god. give me one day out with kk !!

N!tin said...

y0y0 KK...gr8 going!
please god grant niharika s wish!!

KayKay said...

lollzz .....come hyd then :P
