Monday, December 24, 2007

Hu la la la hu le ooooo00000

Okay!! now that im quite jobless these days (hols obb ) n even it has been long tym since I blogged 4 all d obvious reasons (hail BITS network n its proxy web page blocking system !!) ,am bak into action!!Since it’s the New Year tym...Every news channel is doing d survey on the Indian icon 2k7. No surprise even this tym the frontline contenders in d race r d same old black horses Sachin, Srk, PM, APJ etc etc...But 4 me the Show maker of 2007 is the “King of Good times”, India’s most charismatic billionaire Dr.Vijay Mallya.

Well every cricket lover and even the sports lover should have remembered the famous
"Hu la la la hu le ooooo" chanted by the entire West Indies Cricket team back in 1997 when India toured the exotic country. Actually they were all endorsing Vijay Mallya's United Brewery's Kingfisher Beer. Mallya, the Indian Sir Richard Branson, has the a larger-than-life personality can be easily figured out in any party wid a band of best sizzling babes around him and with gold chains glittering wid pride on him, and a gigantic bracelet with his initials spelled out in diamonds.. Born on Dec 18th 1955, this flamboyant entrepreneur succeeded his father as the UB chairman in 1983, conglomerate now spans 4m breweries (his Kingfisher beer is a staple of Indian restaurants and even 4 my fellow BitsGians rite guys??) to Kingfisher Airlines, a leading Indian carrier and the recent three major acquisitions in 2k7

1- ) Whyte & Mackay, which produces nearly one-tenth of the world's Scotch whisk

2--) his Kingfisher airlines merged with Air Deccan, the lowest fair airline

3---) Formula 1 Team, Ferrari Spyker from the Mol Family in Amsterdam.

Till a year b4 every one called him the Beer Baron but after 2k7 it will be completely unfair to confer him with that tag since he has moved on and has created another identity for himself by these major acquisitions in one year. His acquisition of Scottish whiskey Whyte & Mackay in the early days of 2k7 means that the UB now has a market share of nearly 60% in the booze market and marking its monopoly! His ventures did not end over there and in mid May he gave a great thump in the aviation dept by merging with the India’s lowest fair airline AirDeccan. His Kingfisher airlines has already started making its mark by providing the ultra luxury servicesin the airbuses with seat back screens and very attentive and I must say ….very sexy airhostess (I bet u can fly at least 4 them:P ) and travellers' friendly crew .By entering into the aviation, he earned the corporate acceptance he craved 4 and is quite sure to take the advantage of an expected doubling in India’s air passenger traffic, to 60 million, by 2010.( I’m jus fascinated to his foresight or ne damn sight ).And finally in October he made many of our dream cum true by making out a deal of $124 million wid Spyker, and lets hope that Narayan karthik who recently won the first Indian A1 race will make into the Mallya’s F1 team very soon.

While luking bak at the calendar this year , this Indian Tycoon has been in d news through out the year , b it 4 his acquisitions or by throwing his very own style of party in his one and only 311-foot yacht ,the INDIAN EMPRESS where
every celeb and wannabe yearns to be a part of it. Even the latest shell bomb Deepika padukone was part of kingfisher Dynasty by endorsing the KF airlines. His business acquisitions have been the talk of the town, but this entrepreneur does know how to mix leisure with business. Hope Mallya's “Good Times” continue for long and his clients continue to stay on a 'High'- both in air and in spirits by screaming Hu la la la hu le ooooo00000
Mallya ji – kya ka’MALL’ kardi’YA’ ji


Anonymous said...

heyyy HS....(future billionaire)...
rocking blog yaaa!!!!!

Pramod said...

awesome :)
"Hail le lord kk" :D
