Monday, January 27, 2014

Advantage Rafa

Yesterday, while watching the Australian open finals with my family, most of them were cursing Rafa to lose because of the animosity they have against him as he defeated their demigod Roger Federer many times.

But then I was silent and was in deep thoughts on why I liked Rafal nadal over the possibly GOAT (greatest of all time)  Roger Federer[RF]. To make things first clear, I do not play tennis but thanks to my dad and my uncle, since childhood I love watching tennis. And now coming back to the situation on why I rooted Nadal over RF made me think for some time. Unlike in 90's where Pete Sampras had stiff competition with stalwarts like Aggasi, Beker, Ivanisavic; Federer ruled the roost and if I have to put it in words, there was no match to his excellence up until some time when Rafa started winning. To be frank, initially I didn't admire Nadal and thought he was a passing cloud just like the other clay court specialists, whose fame faded as it came.  His game was not at all alluring, he was loud and seriously thought he was a one surface wonder.

But once he started fighting back against RF in other grand slams and won Wimbledon, that is when I started admiring him. Federer, who is   naturally a god gifted player, is undoubtedly the better player among the two. The technique he has, the back hand shots he plays are matchless. There is with out any doubt that he puts the same efforts as any other top seeded player but what made me realize that Rafa is someone whom I can look up to is his sheer will power to fight back and become an epitome of  'practice makes a man perfect'. Nadal's game is definitely not a treat to watch out unlike Federer's, but over a period of time he changed himself, he practiced hard and mastered the game.

I am a philomath. I try to learn things by observing others. And I watch tennis not to learn the game but to learn life lessons. While Federer is someone whom we wish we were born like, but Nadal is someone we all can relate and get inspired from. Nadal knew his limitations but strived hard with sheer determination to fight against his opponents, his body ( not to forget his back and the knee pains), to go against the odds and reach beyond what was destined to him. We can't ask ourselves to be naturally graceful and be god gifted like Federer but we can attempt to be like Nadal!
                                                             Nadal, you are an inspiration!

Vamos Rafa!
