Sunday, May 25, 2008

~~~~~~~~S3--its truly K3G~~~~~~~~

Hmmm……wat a life I have had these years@ BITS ! ….specially this semester ! .This semester has brought in me an immense feeling of both Joy and Sorrow .Joy 4 all the happiest moments I hav shared with my dearest buddies…b it d tym of campus placements ,the Banana ride , the Road trip n of course the mahabhaleshwar trip , Sorrow coz i'l b missing them 4 ever !:(.To put it short this sem is K3G-Kabhi kushi Kabhi Gham .:-).

I still remember the day when I first entered the campus …...the heart paining nostalgic moments when my pop was leaving me all alone in the campus, ….the thoughts of catching up the immediate next flight 2 my home n 2 chuck out of the then hell campus. After the four blissful years @ BITS, 2dayI just pose a grin when I luk bak into my thoughts ,thinking how foolish I was :).Ironically ,the day when I said alvidaa 2 the campus n returned home ….no surprise I had the same feeling of catching up the immediate next flight 2 my now Jannath campus!:D.May b every one in the campus has had the same pain ,the same joy ,the same emotion when they left the campus.But I feel a bit more painful , a bit more emotionally braced….coz am part of the g8 S3(Simply Superb n Sensuous ! ):Dbranch!

TO be frank and true to my heart ….my identity in the campus as an S3(economics)ite is more popular than p7(compsci)ite ..and henceforth I thought of blogging one post on my journey as an economite or as a S3i-ite .
Well...2day ,I share the same feeling of how a mama wud feel proud whenever she luks at her baby turning in2 a successful lad!!. I had a great pleasure in shaping up the economics department to my level best by being part of the creative club for designing the t-shirts, posters with the help of my dearest juniors .

Though my journey @ BITS has cum 2 an end ,I’l never forget all those moments i had in my economics classes.
How can i forget my first class of Principles Of Econ taught by our dearest PATNAIK sir,( though it tuk a longtym 4 me to realise what he taught !)??……how can i forget my first ACCOUNTS class taught by the guyz heartthrob-MISSSS PINKY, which perhaps is the only class I never guzzed :D(OBB!)??……How can i forget My single digit marks in EGP, when i xpected to top the test(LOL) ??…..How can i forget d B’day Party celebrations, the one n only AMBOLIM TRIP, our hangouts @ MONGINIS, The song Sung BY our PATNAIK SIR………how can I forget the heartiest greeting “YOYOO KK”of my dearest ones whn ever they c me around…….??? can I???.............:(

"I love the simple word “YOYO KK “

It always rings a joyful bell

But one of the saddest words i know

Is the oft times tearful word GudByee.

The word 'YOYO KK' a word I always love

It always rings a joyful bell

But one word I don't like to hear

And that is the sad word 'GudByeee' ………GudByee BITS Gudbyee !"

My journey @ BITS wudn’t havbeen treasurable if i wuz not an Economite,because it has molded me into a gud human ,brought in me a great maturity and above all made me found my dearest friends of lifetym.

To end i wud say ~~~S3!! Truly its K3G---Kabhi Kushi Kabhi NEHIN gham :D~~~of my life :)
